Create New Account / Edit Account
Step 2 of 3

Step 2 of the 3 part wizard for creating new accounts will allow you to determine the account balances, limits, and whether to designate the account as a favorite. This same wizard is used to edit existing accounts as well. To create a new account or to edit an existing account, open the New Account wizard, select New and then Account from the File menu, click the New icon on the My Accounts screen, or highlight the account to edit and click the Edit icon.

  1. Depending on the type of account you are creating, the first box will ask for a current balance or balance due.
  2. Use the As of date field to enter the date to begin tracking the account. Depending on how you wish to use this account and your available account records, this might be the opening date of the account, the beginning of the tax or fiscal year, or the most recent date on which the account was reconciled.
  3. For Credit Card Accounts you should enter the total Credit Limit for the account.
  4. If the new account has a minimum balance, you may enter that amount.
  5. Select the country where the new account is based.
  6. Selecting the check box for This is my favorite account will cause the account to display under the My Favorite Accounts heading in the main VersaCheck Today window.
  7. Click Back to return to Step 1 or Next to continue on to Step 3.

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