CheckScape: What it is and how it works.

CheckScape Digital Check Security is an advanced check security and protection system that works to prevent fraud, protect accounts, verify authenticity, and identify and report the misuse of an account. The way CheckScape works is through the use of digital encoding in a special PDF417 barcode that prints on each check and works in conjunction with a CheckScape verification account. The CheckScape "signature" is digitally encoded with the payor name, check number and amount, unique verification ID and date. Once a check is printed with a CheckScape barcode, it can be scanned using a standard barcode scanner to instantly identify the check, the origin account, and the if the account is valid. VersaCheck users can also instantly enter check and transaction information into their records for any check they receive that has a CheckScape signature.

How do I start using CheckScape?

There are 2 parts for using CheckScape Digital Check Security, as a person or business receiving a check and as the person or business issuing the check.

Receiving CheckScape digitally protected checks:
Anyone with a barcode scanner and a copy of VersaCheck 2004 can quickly and easily enter checks received into their VersaCheck transaction register, as well as verifying the check against the CheckScape account. For more information on the step by step process of how to enter and verify checks received, please review the CheckScape Terminal section of the help files.

Sending CheckScape digitally protected checks:
The first step in using the CheckScape Digital Check Security system to protect your own checks is to sign up for a CheckScape Member Account ( After completing the simple online form the account setup process will begin. A check will be generated from the requested account in the amount of $20 (there is a $20 fee for each account setup, the check is generated via Qchex and is used as a way of validating the account.) The verification process may take several days in order for the check to be processed and the account to be setup. Once the account is setup, you can begin adding the CheckScape signature to your checks by going to Step 5 of the Checkbook Information wizard and selecting CheckScape as the signature type. Each time you print a check with a CheckScape signature you will need to be signed in to the Qchex account ( that is connected to your CheckScape member account, so that a unique identification number for that check can be created. After the ID is created, the Qchex server will retain the information about the check, amount, ID, payor, date, etc. and can later verify the check at any point as a valid check issued from your account.